Hi! I’m Mary!
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Meet Your Lactation Consultant
I have been a nurse for 26 years and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant for 10 years. I have worked with thousands of families with well babies and high risk babies at a large hospital in Charleston, SC.
In 2021 I decided to open my own practice to focus on prenatal breastfeeding education and early postpartum support. This is such a vulnerable time and one in which a mom needs to know what is normal newborn behavior. If I had known this when I was a new mom it would have decreased my anxiety level and increased my confidence!
My children are 26 and 23 and were breastfed for 1 year and 1.5 years respectively although not without challenges. We dealt with sore nipples, tongue tie, pressure from family members to stop. If I knew then what I know now it would have been a more confident start to motherhood for me. Now I am here for you to pay it forward in whatever way your journey takes you: direct breastfeeding, pumping and paced bottle feeding with either breast milk or formula. You see there are many paths and I want you to know your choices. I just hate to see women switch to formula because they think their body has failed them based on bad advice or they would be comforted if they knew how milk supply works.
Be sure to check out my Facebook page for articles about breastfeeding as a parenting style as well as funny and feel-good content.
Check out the “Snarky Boob Queens” on your favorite podcast platform. Starla, Jocelyn and I talk about breastfeeding and mothering. You’ll learn, laugh, cry, and we’ll have you looking forward to the next episode,