Reasons to See a Lactation Consultant
Reasons to see a lactation consultant BEFORE baby is born
(between weeks 30-36)
- History of fertility problems (this pregnancy or past)
- Breasts haven’t increased in size in this pregnancy
- Flat or inverted nipples
- Breasts are uneven in size or shape
- Breasts not typical rounded shape regardless of size
- Previous breast or chest surgery including breast implants, reduction, nipple piercings
- History of late onset of first period (14 years or older)
- History of eating disorder anxiety and/or depression
- History of previous breastfeeding difficulties
- Relactation or inducing lactation for adoption
Reasons to see a lactation consultant AFTER the baby is born
- Painful breastfeeding or between feeds
- Damaged nipples (bleeding, bruising, blistered, cracked, chapped, etc)
- Baby “pops off” easily or frequently
- Baby nurses for long periods (45 minutes or more)
- Weight loss in baby
- Slow weight gain
- Baby spits up forcefully, is irritable or gassy
- Baby has pooping issues like green frothy stools
- Mom wants reassurance and information
- Mom is concerned about having “too much milk” or forceful letdown
- Mom has questions about herbs or medications while breastfeeding
- Twins or more